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the door to luxury at china central place in beijing<br><br>the ritz-carlton beijing poised to re-define luxury hotel services in august<br><br>通向奢华之门就在北京华贸中心<br><br>北京丽思卡尔顿酒店将于八月对豪华的酒店服务业做出全新的诠释<br><br>china central place is located on the eastern edge of chao yang district and is arguably the heart of beijing’s cbd. both hotels are an integral part of this massive development complex that provides more than square meters of office space, eight residential towers, square meters of retail shopping space.<br><br>华贸中心位于朝阳区东部,繁华的朝阳商务区中心位置。北京丽思卡尔顿酒店就座落于这个宏伟的建筑群中。与多平米的写字楼、8座公寓楼,及一个平米的购物中心相映成辉。<br><br>the ritz-carlton beijing will have 305 guestrooms, three outstanding restaurants, a spa and sft of meeting facilities. on top of that, it will offer the only “wedding chapel” in china.<br><br>北京丽思卡尔顿酒店将拥有305间客房,三个不同风格的餐厅,一家水疗中心和<br>平方米的会议场地。最独特的是将有一座中国独一无二的“婚礼小教堂”。<br><br>we are looking for talented hospitality professionals that want to join this exciting development and be part of beijing’s prime leisure and business destination. the hotel will offer the finest in luxury services in the city and the ongoing development of our brand in asia and particularly china will offer tremendous growth opportunities for potential candidates.<br><br>我们正在寻找一批有才干的服务业人士加入到这个将成为北京一流的休闲、商务目的地的,令人兴奋的项目中。随着丽思卡尔顿这个品牌在亚洲,特别是中国的不断扩大,酒店将为员工提供北京服务业中最好的待遇,并且会为有才能的人员提供极大的发展空间和机会。